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    Zhengzhou Hongyi has the qualification of TIR certificate holder, and has signed strategic framework agreements with many domestic airlines, China logistics, Huawei, JD and other enterprises. It has partners for customs clearance, warehousing and delivery in Russia, and can provide high-quality and comprehensive international logistics services for customers at home and abroad.
    Introduction to main business:
    (1) International freight forwarding and charter business. At present, Zhengzhou Incheon International Mail charter flights run five times a week; At the same time, there are three to five regular charter flights from Yiwu to Zhengzhou to Vancouver every week.
    (2) TIR international road transport. TIR international road transportation is loaded from China to Europe, without any reverse loading or unloading. It only needs to go through customs formalities at the place of departure and destination. It has the advantages of flexibility, timeliness, door-to-door transportation, unrestricted storage, strong customs clearance capacity and low transportation cost.




E-mail: hongyi@hongyizz.com

Add:Taiwan Science Park, Xingang Avenue, Zhengzhou Hangkong port area

